Mr. Shadow


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Esto fue lo segundo que escribí. Tenía encargado escribir The Highest Flight y alguna otra, así que hice esto. El asunto es que el tema no era tan positivo como el otro y esto nunca llegó a nada. De hecho, no lo había publicado aún porque hay una parte que falta pero no creo ya que lo vaya a completar algún día.

Mr. Shadow habla de una persona que pasa desapercibida entre todas las demás. No ha tenido una vida demasiado exitosa y no es más que una sombra, hasta que muere sin que nadie se entere.

Seems just like another day
Walking down the rain
Everyday is the same
Like nothing's going to change.

He's just one more out there
One of them so many men
You don't realize
They also exist.

No one ever wondered
If he was alright
The only thing they asked him
Was to pay his taxes.

Poor Mister Shadow, he goes all alone
All he wishes is family and love.
It doesn't matter the gravity of the fall
No one cares about Mister Shadow's life.

He did ever won a prize
His life did really suck
His parents they divorced
And he got real sad.

He's just like you and me
He's also a human being
That he's unlucky doesn't
Let us ignore him.

Poor Mister Shadow, he goes all alone
All he wishes is family and love.
It doesn't matter the gravity of the fall
No one cares about Mister Shadow's life.

[Aquí iría el interludio en el que muere atropellado por pasar desapercibido]

Poor Mister Shadow, he went all alone
All he wished was family and love.
It didn't matter the gravity of the fall
No one cared about Mister Shadow's life.

Now be careful 'cause
You could be the next
Sincer Mister Shadow is
In anyone of us.

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